Great! Thank you for your work and contribution.
I see Daniel as being written in 164 BCE as a means of strengthening the resolve of that Jewish community who were being persecuted. "Daniel in the Lions' Den" would have a certain meaning for them at that time.
It is impossible to apply Daniel 9 to Jesus; the NT does not attempt it and no Christian of the first two centuries made that association either. See pages 14ff of my Study:
The Gospels do not tell us how long Jesus' ministry lasted.
It is such a great pity that people read the Bible through Western eyes, that they ignore the contemporary situation which brought about the creation of a writing, but even more importantly how the text kept being changed as it was interpreted and reinterpreted. That is the material we read today. People thus need to be aware of Jewish thinking, Kabbalistic ideas, the role of the Mishna, and so on. People are so familiar with the writings of Paul that they fail to see his mysticism (significance of baptism; wine and bread of the eucharist; etc. Take Paul's inventions away and you are left with a very different Christianity - the Gospel Jesus).
The contemporary situation at the time of Jesus provides a significant backdrop. That is where the discoveries of the (presumably Gnostic) scrolls in 1947 play a key role. Did Jesus belong to the Nazarene Sect?
Two books on my bookshelf are waiting for me to investigate and they could prove interesting:
"The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity", edited by James C. VanderKam and William Adler.
"Communities of the Last Days: The Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament & the Story of Israel", by C. Marvin Pate.
You are touching on my temptation to work on a Study that shows the serious doubts scholars have with the book of Acts (of the "Apostles"). You sorely tempt me, as there is so much information available.
Maybe someone could write the story of the difficulties that Revelation had getting into the NT. Eschatologists (SDAs, JWs, etc) read it through a microscope, dissecting every word and interpreting it through prejudiced eyes. I would like to see a Study that looks at it from 3 paces back - the immediate contexts (political, cultural, religious, geographical, etc.); analysis of the other Apocalyptic writings (and movements) of the time (particularly Jewish); its (mis)alignment with the Gospels and Paul's writings; the picture of God compared with that given by the Gospel writers and by Paul; why they expected it all to play out "very soon"; and so on.
There is still so much to learn and discover. The WTS beats a single note on a drum with a single drumstick, keeping the minds of JWs in a strait-jacket.